Oil & Gas Services

Chemical Supply

Corrosion Services & Cathodic Protection
Safeguard your assets with our corrosion services and cathodic protection solutions. Our expertise ensures the longevity and integrity of your infrastructure in challenging environments.

Pipe & Fitting

Well Integrity
Rely on our comprehensive well integrity services, including inspection, testing, and maintenance for wellhead and X-mas tree. We prioritize the longevity and reliability of your well assets.

Design and Engineering for Fire Fighting
Design and engineering services with PT Karya Sarana Teknik Abadi Engineering Design with our services emphasize on the needs of our client. Our services are oriented toward quality and supported by qualified experts to achieve client satisfaction as the ultimate goal of PT Karya Sarana Teknik Abadi.

Fire Fighting Electronic & Automation System
With the progress of science and availability of technology experts who are ready to compete in the construction industry, PT Karya Sarana Teknik Abadi also provide manufacturing services for electronic and automation system according to the needs of our clients as well as national development in order to follow global development in Electronic And Automation System for Fire Fighting.

Fire System Construction
PT Karya Sarana Teknik Abadi also provides Construction Services for our client Facilities and Infrastructure Under our Manufacture. Our Fire System Construction Services has been proven as a reliable service with many experience serving various clients in Indonesia. PT Karya Sarana Teknik Abadi is always oriented to the quality of our services with support of qualified experts which aim to contribute to national development.